Farm fresh Fruit and Veg
Delivery to all parts of the UK
Locally sourced

Get in touch

Hi, you can contact us via phone, email and by letter. We will respond to all enquiries within 24 hours.

If we don’t answer the phone, we will be busy in the fields getting your fresh fruit and veg. So please leave us a message and we’ll return your call as soon as we get back. Thank you!

  • Phone

    Call us on 07742771693
    01772 724406



  • Email

    Drop us an email at 



  • Address

    The Veg Box Company
    Cottam, Preston
    PR4 0EX

    Please note this is not a shop address

Alternatively, you can check our frequently asked questions to see if we have already answered your question

Link to FAQ page

    Contact Form

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    © 2024 GZL Produce Limited